Kamis, 14 November 2013

If Clause

I will be happy if …..
·      I can reach my goals 
·      I can be who I wanted to be
·      I got a lot of surprises
·      I have a lot of money
·      I can make someone smile because of me
·      I can make my parents proud of me
·      I’m shopping with my own money
·      I can buy anything I want or need
·      I loose some weights
·      I have a quality time with people I love

If I Have A Billion Rupiah, I will….
·      Give it to my parents for they hajj :)
·      Saving the money, for my future
·      Buy a Zebra
·      Give it to the orphan
·      Go shopping everyday until my money become 0 rupiah
·      Travelling around the world
·      Buy a private island
·      Construct my dream house
·      Make a mining company
·      Make a theme park 

Analytical Exposition

Social Media

In our lifestyle, social media is one of the most important to our life. Social media is a media which can be use for work, entertainment, socialize with each other and many more. Regarding our lifestyle which already at the modern era, we are now as human always having a desire to enjoying our life. Since we live in modern era, we always wants to communicate with each other. We need laptops, PC, or other electronic devices to communicate each other. Nowadays, people in our era always socialize with each other by using their phone. The main aim of phone is for calling. But now it actually not only for calling, now we can use our phones to socialize with others by using instant messaging. Facebook, twitter, skype are a few example of instant  messaging. Phones like iPhone, Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy can be used for work. For example, a student that must submitting their project or essays but they forgot to bring their laptops or PC, now they can work their project by using phones. With the help from the Documents To Go application they can easily doing their project or essays in their phones. Then finally they can submit their work by soft copy which is email.

Aside from the advantages that I already mentioned above, social media also having a limitations. First, social media always require a electronic devices with a high quality of the phones. But you can use laptops, PC, or iPad for using social media properly. Second, electronic devices which used for social media is need a BATTERY. If you battery is low you cannot using your devices. Third, using a phone for doing your work will be harder that using laptops or PC. Because basically phones in modern era only used for chatting and socialize with others rather than working on their phones. Fourth, phones, laptops and other devices that can used for social media and working basically is MORE EXPENSIVE than a basic phone and laptops. It needs a latest and better processor to operate social media.

From those information above we can conclude that there are many benefit of using a social media to socialize with others but there also a limitations of using social media in our life. Using social media to socialize with others is easier than using letter. Don't waste your time to communicate with others, we are now living in modern era. So use social media so that you can easily enjoying your life.

Rafflesia arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii is a member of the genus Rafflesia. It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on earth, and a strong odor of decaying flesh – the latter point earning it the nickname of ‘”corpse flower’” It is endemic to the rainforest of Borneo and Sumatra. Rafflesia arnoldii is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia, the other two being the white jasmine and moon orchid. It was officially recognized as a national “rare flower” in Presidential Decree No. 4 in 1993

The flower of Rafflesia arnoldii grows to a diameter of around one meter (3 ft) and weighs up to 11 kilograms (24 lb). It lives as a parasite on the Tetrastigma vine, which grows only in primary (undisturbed) rainforests. Rafflesia lacks any observable leaves, stems or even roots, yet is still considered a vascular plant. Similar to fungi, individuals grow as thread-like strands of tissue completely embedded within and in intimate contact with surrounding host cells from which nutrients and water are obtained. This plant produces no leaves, stems or roots and does not have chlorophyll. It can only be seen when it is ready to reproduce.

Perhaps the only part of Rafflesia that is identifiable as distinctly plant-like are the flowers; although, even these are unusual since they attain massive proportions, have a reddish-brown coloration and stink of rotting flesh. This scent attracts insects such as flies which then pollinate the rare plant. It is not to be confused with the titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum, which is also commonly referred to as the "corpse flower" because of its repulsive odor.

Scientific Classification
Kingdom : Plantae
 Phylum : Anthophyta
 Class : Magnoliopsida
 Order : Rafflesiales
 Family : Rafflesiaceae
 Genus : Rafflesia
 Species : R. arnoldii

Academy Scholars Program

Pre and Postdoctoral Fellowships


The Academy Scholars Program identifies and supports outstanding scholars at the start of their careers whose work combines disciplinary excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with a command of the language, history, or culture of non-Western countries or regions. Their scholarship may elucidate domestic, comparative, or transnational issues, past or present.
The Academy Scholars are a select community of individuals with resourcefulness, initiative, curiosity, and originality, whose work in non-Western cultures or regions shows promise as a foundation for exceptional careers in major universities or international institutions.
Academy Scholars are appointed for two years by the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies and are provided time, guidance, and access to Harvard University facilities. They receive substantial financial and research assistance to undertake sustained projects of research and/or acquire accessory training in their chosen fields and areas. The Senior Scholars, a distinguished group of senior Harvard University faculty members, act as mentors to the Academy Scholars to help them achieve their intellectual potential.


The competition for these awards is open only to recent PhD (or comparable professional school degree) recipients and doctoral candidates. Those still pursuing a PhD should have completed their routine training and be well along in the writing of their theses before applying to become Academy Scholars; those in possession of a PhD longer than three years are ineligible.
Each year four to five Academy Scholars are named for two-year appointments. Academy Scholars are expected to reside in the Cambridge/Boston area for the duration of their appointments unless traveling for pre-approved research purposes.
Postdoctoral Academy Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $65,000, and predoctoral Academy Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $31,000. This stipend is supplemented by funding for conference and research travel, research assistants, and health insurance coverage. Some teaching is permitted but not required.
Applications are welcome from qualified persons without regard to nationality, gender, or race.

How to Apply

Applications for the next class of Academy Scholars are due October 1 each year. There is no application form. The following materials are required for a complete application:
  • a current curriculum vitae, including a list of publications (include 3 copies)
  • a statement of the applicant's proposed research—usually, preparing the dissertation for publication or completion—including intellectual objectives and planned methodological and disciplinary work (no more than 2,500 words; include 3 copies)
  • an official copy of each graduate transcript
  • three letters of recommendation
  • a cover letter which succinctly states the applicant's academic field, country or region of specialization, and proposed or actual research topic (include 3 copies)
Please do not staple materials. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted.
Finalists will be invited to Cambridge for interviews with the Senior Scholars inDecember 5, 2013.

Application materials should be mailed to:
The Academy Scholars Program
Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
1727 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Telephone for delivery of express mail: (617) 495-2137

All materials must be received by October 1. The selection process begins immediately thereafter. Applicants whose materials are late or incomplete are at a disadvantage when considered by the Selection Committee. Announcement of the awards will be made in January.

Before Applying

For additional information contact:


1.     Why we as the applicant cannot submit our application form through email or faxes?
2.     By what the applicant should submit their proposal?
3.     If I am an International Baccalaureate or IB student which is    Diploma Program, can I attend this competition? Or it is only for the people that only have a PhD title or above?
4.     If there an interview with the applicant, when and where that the applicant would attend the interview?
5.     If I am joining this scholars program, should I pay for the training and teaching program?
6.     If I already qualified to joining this program, is there any application form that I should fill again? Or there will be only one application form?
7.     Should I show the original/official graduation files to the committee? Or I just fill in the application form only?
8.     If the applicant cannot joining the interview session, will there any other day that we could attend the make up interview?
9.     Is late submit of the application form will still be accept? Or we cannot join this program?
10.   Who are the supervisor or teacher that will accompany the qualified applicants?