Kamis, 14 November 2013

If Clause

I will be happy if …..
·      I can reach my goals 
·      I can be who I wanted to be
·      I got a lot of surprises
·      I have a lot of money
·      I can make someone smile because of me
·      I can make my parents proud of me
·      I’m shopping with my own money
·      I can buy anything I want or need
·      I loose some weights
·      I have a quality time with people I love

If I Have A Billion Rupiah, I will….
·      Give it to my parents for they hajj :)
·      Saving the money, for my future
·      Buy a Zebra
·      Give it to the orphan
·      Go shopping everyday until my money become 0 rupiah
·      Travelling around the world
·      Buy a private island
·      Construct my dream house
·      Make a mining company
·      Make a theme park 

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