Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

My Speech!

Good morning Friends and Teachers, as we can see now that our school need a new leader of Student Leadership Council (OSIS). OSIS is one of the important organization in our school, why it is important? It's because our school needs to be independent by ourself. We will try to be independent by making OSIS as our biggest organization in the school. I know we can improve the school's achievements and I also believe in us that we can bring our school's identity for a better aspect to the public, to other schools, to everyone. My vision and mission is making this school better on the achievements and making us as the proud achievers with a brighter future, integrity and perfect principles. I believe that we are the proud achievers which will make the school's identity better. So people, i need our school to be serious. The word 'Serious' is very important to us. It will lead us into the brighter future for the school, teachers and all of you my fellow friends. That's all from me, people. Thank you for listening my words. Thank you.

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